Monday, July 28, 2008

Honey Moon Day 3 - Tuesday

We went Surfing on Tuesday.

This is out behind Surf & Sea, the company that we got our surfing lessons from.

Mike wrote I Luv U in the sand, so of course, I had to take a picture. :o)

This is Mike paddling out. the guy further out behind him is our instructor.

Us with our surf boards.

After Surfing, we went to the Dole Pineapple Plantation.

I was eating a pineapple chili dog. It was actually kinda good. :o)

Pineapple Ice cream. :o)

Just some driving pictures

Well, there you have day 3. :o) Not sure when you'll get day 4, but I'll make an attempt. I did get my wedding pictures back yesterday. :o) soon as I get the honey moon pictures posted, I'll get started on the wedding ones. :o)


~Kluane said...

How many days were you gone? I love your didn't get eaten by sharks when you were swimming...well I guess not 'cause you are still here=o)

blondevue... said...

The beach pictures are great. :)

Kassandra said...

We have 5 days to go, Kluane. :o) I'll TRY to get them done sooner than I have been. :o) No, there weren't any sharks. There were actually some sea turtles about 6 feet off the shore, just swimmin around where we were surfing. That was pretty cool. :o) They were huge. I couldn't get any pictures though, because you could only really see them when the waves were just right.

Anonymous said...

Nice,,,,, Jared and I want to go surfing one day. We probably will when we are 80 something...

Kassandra said...

Haha, Amber. That might be kind of funny. :o)

Jenn said...

Still loving all the pictures! Thanks for posting them!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The beach is really pretty compared to ours... Surfside is can be really nasty sometimes! Especially
when the tide just came in and there's seaweed all over the place... But other then that, it's fun to play in the water! ;O)