Saturday, March 29, 2008


Wow, has it really been almost a month since the last time I posted? That's crazy! Things have been a little nuts lately... I AM getting married soon people! :o) Anyways, this post won't be very wordy, but here are some pictures I have been promising you guys for forever. :o) Hope you all are doing great. Have a good night/day, whenever you happen to read this. :o)

In the Bridal Shop where I found my dress:

Lauren and Lanae`

Mom and the Lady's baby who owned the bridal shop

"The Girls"

Kari and her baby Gracie

David's Bridal:

Tori trying on a necklace. We ended up buying them for all the bridesmaids. They were really pretty. :o)

At Red Robin:

Ok, Tori's gonna kill me for this one, but we all made funny faces, and they're all on here, so no complaining! :o) We all looked like dorks, and it was fun!

Lauren's goofy one

Mom wouldn't do a nerdy one. She just had to be all normal and smile. :P
Obviously me...making a dumb face. you only live once right? :o)
Lanae`. Cute. :o)
Our desert before....
and after. :o)
Re-packing the car.....
Lauren and I bing Dorks. :P
Ta da!!! Mom did it!!! :o) (really, it was a major feat)
Umm.... running through be continued...
Ok, guys that's all for now. I'm super tired. I gotta go to bed. Hope you enjoyed these. More to come. Maybe in another 25 days? :o) hehe. :o)

Monday, March 3, 2008


Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Things have been a little crazy. I'll try to post a real post soon. I just wanted you all to know that I wasn't dead. That's all. :o) So, hopefully Anchorage Pictures coming soon! :o) Hugs!!!