Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What's Up

Hey guys! How are things going for everyone? Things are pretty good down here in Texas. :o) I'm loving being with my family. :o) Well, New year's eve went pretty well. Just hung out with my cousin. Watched a movie. Went driving around Anna at midnight, looking for some fireworks, while drinking our sparkling cider (love that stuff!). It was fun. That's just us. Driving around in the middle of the night. Always a good time. :o) Today, we went to Target. And went and saw a movie. Then just kind of hung around the house the rest of the day. Tomorrow... oh man, we're going wedding dress shopping!!! I'm SOOO excited. :o) If I find one, I might post some pictures of the other ones I tried on. Anyways, yeah, I'll try to post some pictures later. My pictures from Christmas are on the computer at home, so you won't get those for a while, or maybe ever, depending on how motivated I am.

So, you guys wanna know what dorks my cousin and I are? I'm sitting at the computer in the living room, and Kaylee is sitting in a chair like 5 feet away from me, and we're talking to each other on MSN. :o) Yeah, we're retarded, but we're retarded together and that's what makes us, "us". :o)

Anyways, I better go. It's after midnight here, and I think we're actually going to get up early tomorrow. :o) I'll try to post tomorrow, and let you all know how the dress hunt went. :o) Ok, talk to ya'll later. Love you!!! :o)


blondevue... said...

You can't post pictures of dresses on here!!! What if Mike see's them?? silly. :o)
Do you really think you'd make it until JUNE if you posted pretty pictures of you in wedding dresses? I could totally see him just telling you to come back, and get married this weekend.
June. pshhhh. hehehehe. Just giving you a bad time, :~)
I'm glad your getting some time with your cousins, most of mine came up this weekend for New Years. So I got to spend time with them, I loved it.
And to think,you get to start to make yours (a family) this year. How cool is that. :)
2008 is going to be an awesome year my dear. =)
Have fun dress shopping. :-)
Love you,

Kassandra said...

Tori, you silly girl. I do not plan on posting pictures on here of the dress that I actually buy. I was going to post pictures of other ones, but the dresses I tried on were all strapless because that's practically all they had at David's Bridal (please don't freak out anyone, because they offer alterations, which include putting on satin sleeves, which i would have done). Anyways, so the dress hunt continues. I found one that I love, but I'm going to keep looking to see if I can find something that already has the sleeves on it. I'm going to Oklahoma tomorrow, so we're going to look there too. I may just have to wait until I get home, and see if I can find something in Anchorage. Anyways, that's what's going on with me. :o) Talk to you later. Love you. :o)

blondevue... said...

Although I hope you find one anywhere, I would love the idea of you finding one in Anchorage!
I'm sorry, but I would want to tag along then. That would be priceless, getting to watch you try your actual Wedding dress on!!
Not just trying them on for fun anymore, but for the real deal. =)
I saw Mike today at the hospital, it was so funny, I was over there with my Great-Grandma getting her a latte' and he walked in. I introduced them, and asked if she remembered you, and she said yes, then I told her that he was your fiance'. She goes "MY, what a Lucky guy!!" And he replied "I think So!" laughing. It was so cute.
And I was happy my Grandma remembered you, or it wouldn't have made much sense! :)
Alright, this is getting long!
Love ya, :)

Happy Girl said...

I liked the clarification dear. :o)

Kassandra said...

No dude, I would TOTALLY LOVE if you came with. I almost want to wait until I get back to get my dress. :o) As much as I'm loving doing it with Kaylee, it would be fun to drive to Anchorage, and make it like a girls trip, with me you, mom, and Lanae`. It would be so great if you guys's dad would let ya'll come with us. Anyways, I'll just email you later or tomorrow or something about all this craziness. :o) Love you tons!!!

blondevue... said...

:-) That would be fun. Just make sure that if you do find one down there that you really like, that you get it. Because that would be awful to get here and not be able to find one. For crying out loud, there's actually places to shop down there!!!
:-) Headed to church....
love ya,

Rebekah L. said...

Hey...when are you going to come see me? I wouldn't go dress shopping in Anchorage....LOL!
Remember THAT trip??? EWW!!
The orange boots and Ang and her ridiculous need to go to Outback!!

Happy Girl said...

I feel so loved. :o)