Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yes, I'm a Dork

So, you wanna hear about some blond-ness on my part? (Kassandra? Being blond? Shocking, I know.) :o) Anyways, last night, I went to my house, to give my mom some catalogs for the partylite book party I'm having. I hung out there for a little bit, did a couple things at the house, got some dinner, fed the dogs, and then went into North Pole, to get a movie, before heading back to Allen and Natasha's house. So, I get back to their house, and I gather all my junk up out of the passenger seat, and go to get out, and remember that I have to plug my truck in. So, I put all of my stuff in the drivers seat, grab my extension cord, and shut my door. Big fat mistake. After I got done plugging in, I realized my error, as I tried to open the door, and found it locked. Yup, with my keys sitting in the seat, about a foot away from me, yet I was completely helpless to get them. And to make it worse, both my spare keys, and my spare remote were in my purse in the drivers seat as well. Yes, I'm brilliant, I know. I'm just really glad that they live in an apartment, instead of a house, because not only were my truck keys locked in there, but also the house keys. So, I went to the landlords' apartment, and asked them to let me in the house. So then, since the landlord is a cop, I asked if he had a way to get a door unlocked, and he said he didn't but he would try a coat hanger after they got their girls put to bed. So I said, "OK, if you don't mind, but take your time." So, I went back to the house, and watched TV while I was waiting. So I'm sitting there, waiting and waiting, and I'm like, "hmmm, I hope he didn't forget about me". Then a little while later, I thought, "Oh no, I hope he's not already out there." So I ran over to the window right quick, and sure enough, there he was. Ugh. So I hurried up and got my coat and gloves on, and went out there. I don't know how long we were out there, it was probably a good 20 - 30 minutes. Anyways, I was freezing to death, and right about the time we were going to give up, he got it. Of course, the alarm went off and everything, but oh well! I was so relieved that I wasn't going to have to call somebody to come unlock my doors for me. Well, needless to say, I didn't quite have the calm evening that I had planned, but it ended just fine. And I actually got in bed on time! Wow. That certainly is amazing. :o) Well, there's my story. :o) Hope you guys are having a fabulous day. :o)


Anonymous said...

Such a good story. Too bad it was a true story instead of fiction. Hope that you have a great Thanksgiving. I love you,

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard from me in a while? I haven't heard from you in forever,,,, i am good and getting tired... I am still working and will be till the end probably. I am ready to just stay home 24 7.
Well take care, i love you,