Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Team Spirit

So, the Cowboys play the Packers tomorrow, and we have kind of a rivalry going on with it at work. One of the guys in paint, "Q" is a big Packers fan, while Rhoni is a big Cowboys fan. So, Rhoni brought in a few of her Cowboys shirts and sweaters, and so the whole design center is wearing Cowboys stuff. The game isn't until tomorrow, but Q won't be here then, so we had to do it today. My shirt does say COWBOYS on it, but the shirt is white and the letters are light blue so it's kind of hard to tell. :o) Anyways, just wanted to share the picture. :o)


Anonymous said...

Wow you look so young with all those "old" people around you. Love the team spirit. I hope that your team wins... I am team pink, or have been since we found out it's a girl. tee hee. Love you
P.S. How was church last night? Oh and I will post an update on my dr. appt laster today or tomorrow.

~Kluane said...

You need to post something new Kassandra!!!

Mrs.Lambert said...

u guys are funny(: how bout you come over thursday night and we can bake or something?ill send josh to mikeys,its their smallville night anywayz(:

Kassandra said...

it's about time you commented on my blog Kluane! :o)

And Ang, yeah, I think Thursday should work out fine. :o) Hope you're feeling better.

Love you guys! :o)