Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bad Day

Well, on tuesday, I had a pretty rough day. The first half went ok. Then I went on lunch. I went tanning, and when I was getting out of my truck, I went to shut the door, and I slammed my finger in it. It was stuck. I couldn't get it out. I had to unlock my truck door, and open it to get my fingertip out. It was crazy. Then the pain came. I think pain's entire family came, it hurt so bad! I walked into the tanning salon, trying not to cry. The girl asked me how long I was going for. I told her 15, in as normal of a voice as I could manage. Then I looked at my finger, and the whole top half of my nail had turned black-ish purple. So I showed her, and told her that I had just slammed my hand in my door about 5 seconds prior. She told me to go in the bathroom, and run cold water over it. So, I did, and I closed the bathroom door, and cried, and cried, and cired. I felt like I was going to die! :o) So then I came out, and went and got in the tanning bed, and normally, I like to tan. I get all warm, (which is nice, when it's FREEZING outside!) and I usually fall asleep. Well, nope, not that day. I got really hot, and between the heat, and the pain, I thought I was going to throw up. I felt so sick. It was horrible. I got back to work, and Duck (a guy I work with) got me a finger protector out of the first aid kit, and i wrapped it up, to keep it from gettting bumped. Anyways, then I went to my Bible study at Mrs. Mary's, which went good, then I went back into town (Lucas and I are house-sitting at the Hickman's) and I went to Fred Meyer, to get some groceries. Well, when I came out, and I was trying to leave, I ended up backing into the van behind me. UGH. I got out, and thankfully, there was no dmage, so I went to get back in my truck, and as soon as I did, the people who had parked next to me, decided to pull out, even though I was sitting there, right in the middle of the row, and she backed into the front of my truck! I was like, wow, you have GOT to be kidding me. So, I got out again, and thankfully, once more, there was no damage. After that, I went home, popped in a movie, then went to bed. I was like, man, I'm ready for this day to be over!

So, my finger was really hurting all day yesterday. The blood under my nail spread out, and was covering almost the entire nail. So, after church last night, I went home, and heated up a straight pin with a lighter, until it was red-hot (literally, it was glowing red) and I poked a hole in my nail, to let the blood drain. It hurt worse after I did it, but it feels a lot better today. I still have to wear the finger protector, because it's still pretty tender if it gets bumped, but it's not aching anymore. But after the blood drained out of it, I could feel, by squeezing the sides of my finger that the nail is separated from the nail bed, and it is definitely going to fall off. It's kind of a weird feeling. :o) Oh joy. I just hope it doesn't take too long to grow back.

So, there you have it, my bad day on Tuesday. :o) Now that I have completely grossed all of you out, I hope you have a wonderful day! :o)


Anonymous said...

That totally sucks!!!! I am so sorry that that happened to you. I know that you were so attached to that nail... heee get it cause your nail is attached to you... Anyway I was just trying to make you laugh. I love you and hope that your next Tuesday gets better.

Rebekah L. said...

Yuck that is gross!!
I had half of a nail turn black once after I did something to it and it took MONTHS for it to grow out...its probably better that yours is going to fall off.
See you soon!

Kassandra said...

Well, it worked Amber. :o) Thanks.

Bek, yeah, it's probably good that it'll fall off, but it will still take months to grow back. Ugh. :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie, I'm so sorry. :o(

Love you.