Monday, August 4, 2008

Lambert/Ryan Camping Trip

So on Friday after work, Josh and Angela and Mike and I went camping out at Birch Lake. The lake was flooded (as you'll see in the pictures) so we were the only ones out there, except for these people in a camper, and this hippie-ish guy. It was funny. When we got there, he was wading out in the water, in his shorts, washing his clothes. Then he hung them up on a tree, on a little hill away from the water. Later we heard him playing a Ukulele or something to that effect. then he just got in his sleeping bag and camped out the rest of the night. Anyways, we had a good time. It was so quiet and peaceful out there....and there was SUN!!! It's amazing, I know. I didn't realize how tired of the rain I was, and how much I missed the sun, until we got out there, and there it was. God is good. :o) What a blessing that was. Anyways, here are some pictures (there's a lot). :o)

Me and the hubby. :o)

Josh and Ang, just chillin by the lake

I was enthralled with this bench that was partly under water. It just looked so cool, so Ang took some pictures. :o)

She told me to "throw your arms up in the air!" and this was the result: :o)

Mike, making wood shavings to start a fire

The hippie-ish guy's little camp. :o)

Sun set

Saturday morning, after we woke up. :o)

Cookin breakfast

She was messing with her camera:

My nature pictures. :o) Ang and I decided we would take some. I'm especially happy with my mushrooms. :o)

Oh yeah, I like these ones too. Kinda mystical. :o)

Aren't they cute?

I thought this was funny:

So cute. :o)

This sign cracked me up.

We walked over to the military side of the lake, and they had all these beach chairs lined up, and it was actually pretty nice over there. Lame. Luckily we were the only ones there, so we could actually get over there.

The lighting didn't turn out right in this one. It was way cooler in person. :o)

Haha, this is what you get now that I'm married. You have to have a kissy-face picture every once in a while. :o)

The lighting was bad in this one too. Hmm, I wonder if that's what you would use a lens hood for?

Group pictures! This was right before we left to go home.

Oh yeah, then Ang and I decided to get on the bench together. :o)

Good friends. Love it. :o)

So, I think I got too many pictures in this post or something, because blogger won't let me load any more. So, I think I'm going to post the first half (I load them backwards, so they stay in the right order) in a different post. :o)


Happy Girl said...

Oooh! The lighting is pretty good in those mushroom ones. =) Golly, you've had your camera for less than half the time that I've had mine, and you already know how to actually make yours come out w/artistic looking pictures!

I want to go camping!

Haha. I think that I'm going to have to post a comment somewhere that doesn't start with "Oh". It's rather hard for me not to though, because it's exactly what I'm thinking. =)

Courtney Michelle Photography said...

Hey Kassandra!
I really liked your sunset and mushroom pictures! Great job! Those mushrooms were too cute! :)
I also got cracked up at you on the bench in the water... you're pretty funny! :) ( take it from someone who is pretty goofy herself! hehe)
Thanks for sharing the pictures!

blondevue... said...

kissy face't forget you have an underage viewership here! hahahah. :)
love you,

Kassandra said...

Haha, Tori. those "under age" ones you speak of have parents...who kiss. :o) I really don't think anyone will fall over dead. :o) Haha, you crack me up. :o)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures... But my favoites are the one with you on the bench (the second one) and the second group picture.
Love you tons,

blondevue... said...

O'and by the
Those underage people I was talking about, was myself!!
hahaha. :D
Love ya,