Friday, May 16, 2008

Do da do...

Well, once again, sorry I haven't posted in forever. :o) I guess I'm one of those lamo people who are slowly killing the blog world huh? :o)

Well, things are going good with wedding planning. Busy, but good. I'm getting things accomplished, and as long as that's happening, I'm happy. :o) As soon, as I slow down, and I'm not doing anything, I start freaking out, and we can't have any of that now can we? Really, I am trying not to be a bridezilla. :o) I think I'm doing ok so far, but you'd have to ask my family, and friends involved in all of it. :o)

So, I know I said that I would post more Anchorage pictures, but before I can even do that, another Anchorage trip is going to be made (this afternoon) so there will be even more pictures to post. We'll see if I ever get caught up. :o) Anyways, Lanae` and I are heading out to Anchorage this afternoon to go pick up the Bridesmaid dresses that came in this past week, and my dress (YAY!). Then we're going to do a little shopping and hanging out, having fun. We're really excited. :o) We're taking Taylor with us, because mom and dad and Chris and Lauren went down to Ninilchik for the weekend, to work on the boat and stuff, and they thought it would be too difficult with Taylor there. Anyways, she's coming with us. We're really excited about that too. I love spending time with my niece. :o)

Hmm, ok what else is new with me? Oh, I got a new camera the other day! I'm really excited about it, although it is a little intimidating, because there are so many things you can do with it. I'm sure once I figure some things out, it'll be fine. It just better take some amazing pictures for the price I paid for it. :o) I mainly wanted it so I could get really good pictures while Mike and I are in Hawaii on our Honeymoon. So, I guess you guys have those to look forward to at some point in time. :o)

Anyways, I should probably go. Hope this post was substantial enough for those out there who have been missing my posts (not sure how many there are though). :o) Love you all, talk to you later. :o)


Anonymous said...

I am so beyond glad that you posted..... And your honeymoon is going to be so beautiful... I always wanted to go there. Maybe someday when the kids are grown... Love you

Kassandra said...

I know it's been long over-due. Sorry! :o) And yes, I'm very excited about our honeymoon. :o) I can't wait. Especially after all this stress of planning the wedding! I'm going to need a week just to relax and recoup from all the craziness! :o) it'll be good though. Anyways, I'll talk to you later. I'll try to email you soon. Love you too. :o)

~Kluane said...

Sooooo...since you got a new camera, everybody will be expecting lots of pictures=o)

Kassandra said...

Haha, yeah Kluane, as soon as I figure out how to use it! :o)

blondevue... said...

Don'tcha think that having only 1 week and two days (aka...LESS than a week and a half!!) until you get reason enough to post. =)
Just saying hi...
And that I am super happy for you. :) The day that we never thought would really come, is almost here for you.
Hope your having a good day,
Love you,

blondevue... said...

Your getting married THIS WEEK!!! I don't think I can find words for it!!!
I am just so happy those stinkin 'birds' with rings in their beaks on the top of your blog are almost together. Six months is a long time to watch them slowwllly exchange rings. :)
A week from today you are going to be starting a Monday in Hawaii, with your Husband!!! wow.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Holy freaking Cow~~~~~

4 days till M day!!!!!
P.S. Luv u

~Kluane said...

Umm...If you don't post before the probably won't post till after your honeymoon=o) *Hint, Hint*

Anonymous said...

holy smokes batman, Kass is getting married in 3 days!
Love you

Happy Girl said...

So since you're married now, that's like a big huge life changing event, right? So with that event comes change, right? So how about changing your posting habits and getting some posts on here, eh? Yes, my married friend, I do love you, although you love someone more than me now. *sniff* I do know of something that will help take the painaway though.... How about posting? =D

blondevue... said...

AGHHHHH!!! Your little ticker birds on here say that it is ELEVEN months until you and Mike get married. THANK Goodness its wrong! We're not going through this agaiN! lol....It took those sorry birds forever (the 6th months) to touch their rings together.
Please, my dear friend. Turn it off!!!! =o)
Love you!
Thanks again for coming to see me!

Kassandra said...

Haha, I will post hopefully next week. Hawaii pictures. :o)

Tori, you're funny. Yeah, I'm takin that thing off!!! :o)