Friday, September 26, 2008

My New Baby

Hey guys. I know I haven't posted in a while. Sorry. And I know some of you want wedding pictures, but I want to get the Hawaii ones done first. I promise I will TRY to get those finished up this weekend, then I can post wedding pictures. :o)

But for now, for those of you who have not already, I would like you to meet my new baby, Evolet. :o) We call her Evie for short though. We love her to death (yes, even Mike). :o)

This was the first night we brought her home. She's so tiny! On Monday, at the vet she weighed in at a whopping 1.9 lbs! :o)

I was TRYING to get her to stay in her food dish (it looks like a coffee cup, glued to a little saucer, they're SO cute!) but she wasn't too interested in that! :o)

We finally got a quick one, before she hopped out.

Aren't her bowls the cutest thing? :o)

Evie with "daddy". :o) He adores her.

She's all tuckered out. :o)

These are from last night. Sorry the lighting is so bad in like, ALL of these pictures, but my camera is a little complex, and I haven't really taken the time to figure out how to use it. :o\

She doesn't like being confined in any way, so she was desperately trying to get off the couch, but she's too scared to jump. :o)

Anyways, that's our Evie. Our new little baby. :o) She's 9 weeks old right now. In a couple years when she's old enough, and her body is ready, we're going to breed her. I think it will be fun, but at the same time, I'm glad that it's at least 2 years away. :o)

Well, that's all for now. Like I said, I promise I will try to get the Hawaii pictures DONE this weekend, then on to wedding pictures! :o)


Anonymous said...

So glad to see you and Mike and the baby!!!! she is precious. Did you get your carn from your mom yet that I sent?
Love you

Anonymous said...

She's sooo adorable!!! What kind of dog is she?

Kassandra said...

Lydia, she is a mini yorkie. She only weighs about 2 pounds right now, and she's not supposed to get bigger than 5 pounds. She'll always be pretty little. :o)