Sunday, September 2, 2007

A New Addition To My Face

Well, most of you already know, but for those of you who are out of state, I got glasses. Yup, Kassandra has glasses. :o) I like them anyhow. I was having problems with my eyes (obviously) and they were bothering me really bad, and I was going to wait until I got my truck paid off (2 more payments to go!!!) to go to the eye doctor, because I wasn't sure that I could afford it, but finally, they were bugging me so bad, that I decided that I couldn't wait two more months. So, I went to the eye doctor, and apparently I'm FAR-sighted. :o) So, my glasses are mainly for when I'm reading, or when I'm working on the computer and stuff. I can't really see anything very far away with them on, it gets kind of blurry. Anyways, my eyes feel a lot better now, so that's really nice. :o) So, now you all know: Kassandra has glasses. :o) Ok, I'm shuttin up now about my defective eyes. Talk to you guys later! :o)


Rebekah L. said...

cute! like em.
So when are you comin down?

It's a good life said...

Umm... wouldn't that be called "far sighted" if you can't see up close??? :D :D :D (yes. im laughing.) ;) hehe... luv you!

Kassandra said...

You're very right Em, I'm fixin it. Hey now, I was TIRED when I wrote it! :o) Love you too. :o)